sexta-feira, 4 de junho de 2010

upgrading everyday toys.

Seriously, I couldn't believe when I first saw this utilities/jewerly. The bed is actually made of gold and the xbox is estimated in U$ 5.000,00  (beware, clumsy people).

Those are some very salty priced toys. Has the world gone crazy, or am I just missing the point in all this? Really. Tell me what's the point.

terça-feira, 4 de maio de 2010

The horror dillemma.

I have a confession to make. I rented rosemary's baby and just couldn't watch it. At first, I planned to see it at morning to brake the horror mood. Well, turns out I'm so chiken I could not even bear to see it in broad day light.
Is a shame because I like Polanski and I was dying to see it!! Everybody is talking about the remake by Michael Bay and Mia Farrow's hair, and I can just imagine how good it must be.
According to this review, the lesson to learn from RB is: Never marry an actor or trust the elder!!
I cracked laughing over this. Sooooo good.

They made a TV serie out of the movie, but I heard a rumor that the actors started to die (is that true?).

Movies I also can't see, even though I tried:

The shining

The exorcist (I cannot even google, so no image)

spooky stuff.


domingo, 4 de abril de 2010


Hey reader (s?),
How's easter for you? I had a lovely lunch with mom and brother followed by a whole afternoon of movies and lots of chocolate. Here's my egg list:
- Delicious truffle egg made of brazilian cocoa beans - boyfriend!!
-delicious truffle egg made of brazilian cocoa beans - mother!!!
- chocolate bunny - sis in law.
-White chocolate with waffles - Brother!!
-Virtual egg (looks delicious, though) - Daddy that lives a czilion miles away.

Ps: Mom and beau gave me the SAME egg....What are the odds? Lucky for me, it's amazingly good. Not too sweet, truffle like. My favourite.  
By the way, I already ate half my list. I guess I'm not ladylike when it comes to sugar.  

Ps again: See the lovely bunny? If you're feeling crafty you can learn how to do it here.

Brave little gesture.

It's official!! Going along with the world : I'm blogging too (a little late, i guess....).

I've always wanted to blog, but never did because I'm convinced that no one really wants to read my thoughts.

Oh, to hell with it. I'm going to do it for my own fun (and, maybe, my mom's).

Anyway, if you ran across my lonely blog, feel very welcome!!